Art Contest - Details

Brain Bridge Lab Art Contest Details

Thank you so much for your interest in our art contest!

If there are any changes made to this details page, we will inform those on our mailing list, which you can sign up for here. We look forward to seeing all of your artwork, and until then please share the contest with other artists!

— Submission Requirements—

  • Artists must be 18+ and located within the continental US.
  • Artists may only submit once to the contest, either to the Memorable or Forgettable category, NOT BOTH.
  • Submitted artwork must be able to be shipped to Chicago, IL, without being altered.
  • Submitted artwork must be able to be hung on a wall (on a nail, hook, screws, etc.).
  • Submitted artwork must not be more than 36 x 36 inches.
  • Submitted artwork must be accompanied by AT LEAST 5 PROGRESS PICTURES (photos of the artwork as it is in progress).
    • We prefer that progress photos be taken at roughly equal intervals throughout the artwork’s completion.
    • The final photo of the work does not count as a progress picture (so, in total, a minimum of 6 photos must be submitted).
    • Progress pictures should only contain the artwork with nothing obstructing the view of it
    • All submitted photos should contain the entire artwork
    • More than 5 progress pictures are greatly appreciated!
  • No sculpture or other 3-dimensional works are allowed.
  • No photography or digital artwork is allowed.
  • No artwork with extreme gore or gratuitous nudity will be accepted. We will have the gallery open to the public, including children.
  • The submission deadline is April 1st, and all members of our mailing list will be notified when submissions are open.
  • Participants will likely be notified of results by April 5th, and if selected, must ship their artworks by April 12th
  • The Brain Bridge Lab obtains the rights to all images submitted

— Gallery Information —

  • The finalists (likely 20 most memorable and 20 most forgettable artworks) will have their work shipped in person in Chicago to be displayed at the Connect Gallery in Hyde Park from April 27 to May 25
  • All artworks in the gallery can be sold, but are not required to be for sale. All sales of artworks will be handled between Connect Gallery and the artist. The Brain Bridge Lab is not responsible for or involved in the sale of artworks. 
  • Finalists will have shipping costs reimbursed (participants in Chicago will be asked to drop off their artworks)
  • All submitted artworks, including those not shown in the Connect Gallery, will still be displayed on the lab’s website along with the artist’s information. 

— Prize Information —

  • Only accepted artworks that meet all of the above requirements are eligible to receive a prize.
  • Prizes will be awarded based on each accepted artwork’s “memorability score.”
    • Memorability is scored from 0 to 1, with 0 being the most forgettable and 1 being the most memorable.
    • Memorability scores will be determined in a similar fashion to Experiment 1 of our published research article. Click here to learn more. 
  • Prizes for both the Memorable and Forgettable categories are as follows: 
    • 1st Place = $1000
    • 2nd Place = $500
    • 3rd Place = $250
    • 4th Place = $100
    • 5th Place = $50

    We hope that this information clears up any confusion, but if you have any other questions please reach out to