by hannahguo | Sep 24, 2024 | In the Press
Check out this article on Yahoo featuring a previous paper on the Mandela Effect authored by our former lab manager, Deepa Prasad, and Dr. Wilma Bainbridge. The article highlights findings from the paper and insights from an interview with Dr. Wilma Bainbridge.
by hannahguo | May 17, 2023 | Uncategorized
Congratulations to Sam Rosenthal, a rising 3rd-year Brain Bridge Lab undergraduate who recently received the Quad Summer Undergraduate Research Grant from UChicago! He will soon use the grant to work on his independent research project.
by hannahguo | May 17, 2023 | Announcements
Trent Davis, a current senior undergraduate student from our lab, will become our new lab manager! He has won tons of awards during his undergrad here at UChicago. Here are some highlights of his achievements: President of Neuro Club Louis Sudler Prize in the...
by hannahguo | May 15, 2023 | Awards
Congratulations to Cambria Revsine, who has been awarded the NSF GRFP in Cognitive Neuroscience, and Emma Megla, who has been awarded Honorable Mention for NSF in Cognitive Neuroscience!!!
by hannahguo | May 15, 2023 | Publication News
A recent paper authored by Max Kramer, Dr. Martin Hebart, Dr. Chris Baker, and Dr. Wilma A. Bainbridge, titled “The features underlying the memorability of objects,” investigates higher- and lower-level features that drive image memorability and suggests that...