New Paper in Nature Communications
A recent paper co-authored by Dr. Wilma A. Bainbridge and Dr. Chris I. Baker, titled “Multidimensional memory topography in the medial parietal cortex identified from neuroimaging of thousands of daily memory videos,” identifies a topography of memory content in the...
New Paper in Journal of Vision
A recent paper authored by Nico Broers, Dr. Wilma A. Bainbridge, René Michel, Elio Balestrieri, and Dr. Niko A. Busch, titled “The extent and specificity of visual exploration determines the formation of recollected memories in complex scenes,” suggests that extensive...
Deepa’s Mandela Effect Paper Featured on “Language of Mind” Youtube Channel
The "Language of Mind" Youtube channel released a video about Deepa & Dr. Bainbridge's Mandela Effect paper. Learn more by checking out the video here.
Interview with Deepa and Dr. Bainbridge in Radio Health Journal
Deepasri Prasad and Dr. Bainbridge discuss their recent findings on the Visual Mandela Effect in a podcast featured in Radio Health Journal. Read the preprint of the study here!
Deepa and Dr. Bainbridge Describe their Findings in The Conversation
Deepasri Prasad and Dr. Bainbridge have written an article in The Conversation about their recent study on the Visual Mandela Effect. Read the preprint here!
Deepa’s Upcoming Paper Featured on Esquire
Deepasri Prasad’s upcoming paper on the Visual Mandela Effect (soon to be published in Psychological Science) has been featured on Esquire magazine. The preprint is also available to read!
New Paper in Cognition
A recent paper authored by Cheyenne D. Wakeland-Hart, Steven A. Cao, Dr. Megan T. deBettencourt, Dr. Wilma A. Bainbridge, and Dr. Monica Rosenberg, titled "Predicting visual memory across images and within individuals," highlights the importance of considering both...
Deepa’s Upcoming Paper Featured in UChicago News
Deepasri Prasad's upcoming paper on the Visual Mandela Effect (soon to be published in Psychological Science) has been featured in UChicago News. The preprint is also available to read!
Congratulations to Dr. Bainbridge Who Received an APF Grant!
Congratulations to Dr. Wilma Bainbridge for receiving the 2022 F.J. McGuigan Early Career Investigator Research grant from APF! Please check out this Tweet for more information.
Dr. Bainbridge’s Interview by Chicago Booth Review
Dr. Wilma A. Bainbridge, Dr. Alexander Todorov, and Dr. Ben Zhao’s interview on the topic of “Is it ethical to use facial imaging in decision-making?” has been featured in Chicago Booth Review. Check out this YouTube video for the discussion on the biases relating to...