by prasadee | Feb 23, 2022 | Uncategorized
Congratulations to Emma, Cambria, Hannah, and Trent, who have all won VSS 2022 Travel Awards!! Keep an eye out for a future post detailing their posters and presentation times!
by prasadee | Feb 2, 2022 | Uncategorized
In the Memory Issue of the Highlight, a Vox publication, writer Brian Resnick interviews Dr. Wilma Bainbridge for an article titled ‘Why do we remember what we remember?’. The article is an excellent overview of on the emerging field of memorability...
by prasadee | Jan 10, 2022 | Publication News
Dr. Bainbridge’s first book “Human Perception of Visual Information” has been released! This book provides insight into visual perception by examining it from two complementary fields: computer vision and psychology. Together with fellow editors Drs....
by prasadee | Dec 17, 2021 | Publication News, Uncategorized
Elizabeth Hall (UC Davis), Dr. Wilma Bainbridge, and Dr. Chris Baker (NIMH) have been examining the effect of similar versus distinct scenes on memory for object and spatial detail. Previous studies show that we can draw scenes from memory with remarkable accuracy for...
by prasadee | Nov 30, 2021 | Publication News
Max Kramer, a 2nd year Master’s of Computational Social Sciences student in our lab, has recently published his first article in Brain and Neuroscience Advances, from work done in his undergraduate career at Oberlin College.This research article, entitled...